Attending Delegates

Target Audience

· Managers and technical staff of veterinary testing and diagnostic laboratories

· Researchers and pathologists in the field of veterinary testing and diagnostics

· Veterinary testing and diagnostic service providers

· Manufacturers and suppliers of testing instruments and equipment

· Producers and distributors of laboratory supplies

· Producers and distributors of animal welfare products

· Veterinary technical personnel involved in the sales and marketing of animal welfare products

· Veterinarians in livestock production

· Regulatory and management authorities for animal health and food safety

· Animal welfare organizations and institutions

· University professors and researchers

· Researchers related to animal experimentation

· Graduate students and postdoctoral researchers interested in veterinary diagnostics   


Areas Covered by the Conference

· Veterinary diagnostic research and practice

· New veterinary diagnostic tools and technologies.

· Enhancing testing capabilities and efficiency

· Experimental pathology

· Operation and management of veterinary testing and diagnostic laboratories

· Quality assurance and quality control of testing

· Testing and diagnostic in laboratory accreditation

· Laboratory information management systems

· Utilizing the testing and diagnostic data for disease surveillance and control

· Testing and diagnostics as tools for ensuring food safety and security

· Testing as tools for vaccine development

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