Notice of Call for Oral and Poster Abstracts for
The 6th Annual Veterinary Diagnostic Conference and Asian Expo for Veterinary Medicines and Equipment
All veterinary departments, research institutes, enterprises and institutions:
The 6th Annual Veterinary Diagnostic Conference hosted by The Organizing Committee of the Annual Veterinary Diagnostic Conference, China Agricultural University, College of Veterinary Medicine,Nanjing Agricultural University, Shixin Lamp International Exhibition (Beijing) Co., Ltd.,and AgriA Technology Company Limited, and co-organized by Pathology Equipment Branch of China Medical Equipment Association, Open online learning platform for experimental pathology, Sichuan Agricultural University,the conference will be held on June 14-16, 2025 at Nanjing International Expo Center. The conference upholding the mission of "Robust diagnostics for enhanced animal health and food safety," in order to build a platform for veterinarians, especially young veterinarians, to enhance the level and ability of young veterinarians in testing and diagnosis, and to strengthen the communication and discussion in the field, we are now soliciting oral presentations and abstracts of poster presentations for this conference. The details of the call are as follows:
1. Submission process
Abstracts will be submitted in advance, reviewed by the organizing committee, and selected abstracts will be presented as oral or poster presentations at the 6th International Congress on Veterinary Testing and Diagnostics.
2. Collection requirements
1) Submission deadlines: To be considered for oral presentation, March 1, 2025;Participate in poster presentation only, April 1, 2025.
2) Languages: English (font size 12, Times New Roman) or Chinese (with English title). English is required for those who want to enter for Student Presentation Award competitions.
3) English Format
· Title: The abstract should have an informative and concise title in sentence case.
· Authors & affiliations: List all authors and their institutions, with the presenting author's name and showcasing author's name in bold.
· The abstract should be written in narrative form, and the body text should include brief introduction, methods, results, discussion and conclusion.
· The abstract can be either a single paragraph or divided into subsections. There is a limit of 400 words or 2,500 characters (including spaces) for the abstract body text.Title, authors, and institutions will not be counted. The abstract may include references to support the content; such references are included in the word/character count.
· Content: The content must pertain to any topic of veterinary testing and diagnostic sciences, excluding clinical diagnostic tools such as imaging (radiology, MRI, ultrasound). The abstract must be able to stand alone and provide readers with enough information to assess scientific soundness of the work and its relevance to veterinary diagnostic science.
4) Chinese format: 4)Abstracts in Chinese shall follow the same general layout as described above, except that the word and character limits do not apply. However, the abstract length should be limited to one page in B5 size paper.
5) How to submit:5)Please type-fill (do not hand-write) this abstract submission form (annex 1) and insert your abstract in the 2nd page of this form. Name the file with “1st name-last name”; for multiple submissions, please list the number of your submission after your last name, e.g., “Jianfa-Bai-2”, and email all original forms (please do not zip/compress) to For multiple submissions, use one form for each abstract. Please do not modify this form. Refer to: for more information.
6) Please fill out the abstract form (click on the original article to download from the conference website) in its entirety and copy and paste the abstract onto the second page of the form. Please name the form file in the format of “first name-last name-#”. If you are submitting more than one abstract, please indicate the abstract number (#) in the file name and upload it as a zip file, please name the uploaded file as: “first name-last name-#”, and support the uploaded file extensions including: doc, docx, zip. Oral and poster abstracts should be submitted via e-mail to: AVDC Please do not modify the format or content of the form.
7) Abstract review and notification: 7)All submitted abstracts will be reviewed by the Congress Organizing Committee. The results of the review will be confirmed by May 15, 2025 with the abstract submitters. All accepted abstracts will be entered into the conference proceedings.
8) Student presentation awards: 8)Student presenters are eligible for participating student presentation award competitions. Detailed requirement and selection criteria will be announced at a later date.
9) Special Tips: 9)Presenters of acceptance are required to register for the conference through the normal registration channels (except for student presenters who will be given complimentary registration upon presentation of a valid student ID). All presenters will need to register for the conference. Please visit the official conference website at for additional information.
2025 AVDC Organizing Committee
January, 2025